The previous events can be found here.
And now the final chapter of Joli's story from within Princess Ianthea's journals.
We have crossed the border into Winding, Sister. It is hard to believe we are almost home. I am one step closer to seeing him again. It has been much too long. It was harder than I realized for him to come see me in the Circle Kingdom, and rather than risk it, he told me he would wait for my return. "I will be waiting," he said, and I have waited too, soon it will be over.
I'm glad Olwen finally managed to get us a carriage, I don't even mind that it is an open one, since the air is so sunny and fresh. I am so joyful right now, You could push me into the Trade River right now and I'd come up smiling. Only a few more days. At least be glad you don't have to walk all the way home. Of course I'd be willing to do even that. Forgive my teasing dear Sister. I know you are unhappy with our situation, and you think the comforts of Winding do not compare to the Circle Kingdom. I have no such complaints. I would take Winding over Catha any day. Not just because he is in Winding. Each day we come closer and closer. It is so hard to wait quietly. When we reached the border, I could hardly contain myself.
"What's going on?" I asked Olwen as he slowed the old nag pulling our carriage."Why are we stopping here?"
"The borderguard requires a brief visit. This will just take a moment," Olwen said as he jumped from the carriage. The border into our Kingdom was merely a small gatehouse built across the road, and a short wall, which had seen much better days. The wall stretched back through the trees. I couldn't imaging any guard would prevent the return of the Princesses' to their Kingdom, and I spoke up, "Surely there won't be any delay here, will there be Olwen?"
"No delay at all, your highness," Olwen reassured me, a slight smile gracing his face. "It is important to do things in the correct manner, that is all."
I glanced over at you sister, and you merely shrugged. "If he needs to fill out some paperwork, let him."
We watched as he approached the gatehouse on foot, and at the door he took out a key and unlocked it. He disappeared inside for a moment before returning with a sheaf of papers in hand. He locked the gatehouse behind him as he left.
"Where is the border guard?" I asked at his return. "Shouldn't he come out and greet us?"
"Ah, you're right, I should. Forgive my oversight." Olwen clapped his arms to his side. "Allow me to formally welcome you back to your Kingdom, Princess Jolianita and Princess Ianthea. May I be the first to say , it is good to have you back home."
I frowned at Olwen, perplexed. He is not usually one to make jokes.
"Olwen," I asked. "Why are you the one welcoming us? You just arrive with us."
"I did, but you see," Olwen admitted, as he climbed back into the drivers seat. "There is no one else to welcome you. I was given the assignment here at this gatehouse. The guard is a bit short handed at the moment, not that that is any excuse to neglect my duties."
This appeared to alarm you sister. You straightened in your seat. "B-but how can you be the border guard? You left Winding to retrieve us and you've been with us since then. Does that mean this gatehouse has been unkept for weeks? The border unguarded?"
He nodded, "That is true, and it will continue to be I'm afraid. I can hardly be in two places at once, now can I?" He looked serious as he spoke these words to you. "Shall we continue on to the castle? Your mother and father must be anxiously awaiting your return."
You stared at him flabbergasted. He didn't have anything else to say on the subject though, and turned to face the road ahead of us.
"Preposterous," you grumbled. "How can a kingdom survive this like?"
But you mustn't be cross with Olwen, Iana, he does so much for us. He does everything. If I remember correctly he is also father's valet as well. He is always so formal about his duties. No wonder mother sent him to Catha to escort us home. Somehow he has managed to secured us lodging and food all these weeks.
I know you won't want to hear this Iana, but I suspect he does more for you than anyone else. He would bring down the moon for you. I've seen him watching you. Perhaps, dare I even suggest this, but he might even love you Sister dear. In fact I know he does. Olwen loves you.
There I've said it. Please don't be angry.
Perhaps you'll realize it soon for yourself. I don't know when you'll read this message I've written here for you. When you do I hope it will help you understand. If you don't, if you are still angry . . . well, I can't blame you. After all I didn't have the courage to say these words out loud. Perhaps one day I will, and then we can talk freely to one another.
Isn't that what we all yearn for? To know each other. To understand each other. So desperate we are. Why is it so difficult?
to be continued . . .
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