Thursday, September 16, 2010

why -- because its fun, silly!

Todd: "We have unfinished business, I and he."
Scott: "He and me."
Todd: "Don't talk to me about Grammer!!!"
     Scott Pilgrim and the Infinite Sadness

I thought, briefly, about doing some work. Specically I should look at my problems with past and present tense in my letter. I know its important, its like grammer, it takes away from the story if there are errors. But instead of doing that, I decided to make this:

the family trees (sorta)

I had to recreate the lovely drawing you made Terrwyn, I'm so very fond of it, I thought I should share that happiness. Its better than discussing grammer. Eventually I'll make one for the other royals: Geyona and Glaukos, but there are spoilers in it.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! How did you do this on the computer? It's AWESOME! I love it!
    and Scott Pilgrim is pretty fantastic!

