Wherein the adventures of two cousins is told to a very unlikely group of pernicious and/or prefabricated
readers, involving encounters with robbers, pirates, geese, horses, and other such livestock, to end
in a very old fashioned happily ever after. Also featuring poetry by the great talents of none other than
Lackscroft and Roe-- Poets Extraordinarie.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
I'm Not afraid of Love. (#39 of Iana's story)
The end of Chapter 5 is upon us. I wanted to finish a chapter by the end of the year, and here it is. Iana has finally discovered a means to save her kingdom and to back fight against her enemies. Can you blame her for letting down her guard a little?
39# I'm Not afraid of Love
"Are you ready Princess?" Olwen asked as evening came on the last day.
"As long as it stays windy out," I said listening to the shutters rattle on the windows nearby.
The last ten days had flown by so quickly. Olwen and I sat together in the dining hall, not alone, of course. Aunt Luna was near the fire, her eyes resting. Joli had gone up to bed earlier, and Mother had taken some dinner up to her. I should have gone up to bed too, but I found myself wanting to stay in Olwen's company a little bit longer.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Look no further, Iana's Story #38 has arrived
So much to do. So little time. Ah, but it only feels like that because there is so much to do. If there wasn't, then it would feel as if you had all the time in world. Time slows down when you count each second, trying to hurry it along, but when you are having too much fun, when you are busy preparing for Christmas, why then it runs off and suddenly the month of December is half over.
A simple solution presents itself, has Iana found her answer at last?
#38 Look no further
"Can I help you Princess?" Olwen asked, pushing at the door with me. "What are you doing?"
"Wait, you'll see, or you'll hear it. Listen!" I told him, pointing upward.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 6 and Counting: Iana's Story #37
The countdown continues, which is appropriate considering the season.
Will Iana be ready to fight when the time comes? Or will it be too late?
#37 At Day 6: Arrivals and Curses, again
I barely saw Joli the next day. I was too busy and, I think she was avoiding me as well. She could have easily found me in the kitchens collecting lunch for the villagers, or when we collected the roses and locked them away in an iron chest. Olwen kept the key to the chest, and Mother locked the chest in closet and kept the key hidden. That way no one would be tempted by them.
On the sixth day before the Lion and Wolf returned, the first of the summerguards arrived. A"boy" dressed in a long hooded cloak, who fancied herself in disguise with long trousers. She said her name was Ben.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
A review, sorta. Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I have no idea if I'm allowed to do this, but I'm going to anyway. I am on page 50 inside a chapter called "Truth or Dare" and I've decided to write a review.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is a marvelous little book. According to the book jacket its going to be a love story and a sorta fairy tale. It's more of an adult book than children's book, and filled with great characters. Even I get to be in this story. Portions of it are told in second person, and while sometimes a second person story is just a first person story in disguise, this one hasn't been. I've seen myself inside it, attending Le Cirque des Rêves.
The book has multiple points of view, so why not include myself, the reader, but also circus attendee, seeker of dazzling stories and performances that are impossibly, delightfully almost real. So far in the book there has been magic, illusions, young lovers, teacups broken and repaired, fake magicians and real magicians and a mysterious game to be played. Celia and Marco, the main duo, have yet to meet, but they will soon, perhaps they'll be at the circus I'm attending.
I don't want to give too much away, so think of this more as a preview than an actual review (and see my disclaimer below). Not that I can spoil much, since I don't know how the story ends. I know someone who likes to read the end, or at least peak at it, to take off some of the pressure of not knowing, and give herself something to look forward to.
I like to think of a story as a promise from the author to the reader. The Night Circus has promised me a magical performance. What will happen when Celia and Marco met? What are Celia's father and the man in the grey suit up to? How will Bailey sneak into the Night Circus - what will he find there?
The Night Circus only opens at night, and after waiting outside in the cold I've paid my admission and entered the circus tent. I'm in the audience now, waiting to be entertained. I don't think I'll be disappointed.
Find out more about Erin Morgenstern.
Other reviews you might be interested in:
Lunar Chronicles: Book 1 Cinder by Marissa Meyer
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland by Catherynne Valente
Adventures in Space ca 1851: Mothstorm by Philip Reeve

Erin Morgenstern,
Lloyd Alexander,
sorta fairy tale
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A Cinderific Story (or the Lunar Invasion begins!?)
You're familiar with the story of Cinderella, and Cinder (book one of the Lunar Chronicles) by Marissa Meyer has all the familiar parts. Cinder has a stepmother, and step-sisters. There is even a pumpkin (cleverly disguised). There is a prince, and a royal ball that Cinder is not allowed to attend because she has too many chores. Basically the story is summed up like this:
"Cinder was not going to be the ball, because she is a cyborg"
Cinder lives in New Beijing, sometime in the future. She was originally human, but because of an accident that killed her parents, some of her body was replaced with cybernetic parts. She's half human - half robot, unlike her companion Iko who is an android - all robot, though Iko does has a quirky personality.
I always believed Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine was the quintessential Cinderella retelling. It is so perfect. It makes so much sense and explains everything. Nothing could compare to Ella Enchanted, or compete. Why read another Cinderella story? And yet . . . Cinder works. Maybe it's not as perfect and classic, but somehow being a sci-fi fairy tale levels the playing field.
I enjoy science fiction, (although I read space fantasy more often.) I don't usually see these two genres mixed. I'd definitely recommend the book, if only for the novelty.
Although, I think the fairy tale elements might have limited the story. I realize it's odd for me to complain about this, but it's almost restricted. The characters and the story line had to fit inside the familiar, like forcing a foot into a too small shoe. I was ready to go somewhere else with the story, to see something different. There was potential for it too, with the Lunars showing up and their magical-psychic powers, the incurable disease called Letumosis. There is the the fact that Prince Kai will become Emperor someday, while Cinder is a nobody, a cyborg. How will they ever get together? It's a lot to cram into one book.
And I have to warn you. This book is also Book 1 (of 4), and while the story sorta wraps up - a lot of mysteries are explained, and secrets are revealed - it doesn't really conclude. The next one Scarlet comes out in February.
I'm a greedy reader, it seems. I read books fast, sometimes within hours like a movie. I want the story to be exciting, a little adventure, and certainly romance, but not too predictable. A well told story. And sequels? To me they are a bonus. They shouldn't be necessary. Unless, of course, its available right now. I guess I hate waiting.
other reviews you might be interested in:
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland by Catherynne Valente
adventures in space ca. 1851: Mothstorm by Philip Reeve
bad puns,
Gail Carson Levine,
Marissa Meyer,
Friday, October 19, 2012
National Novel Writing Month: RESOLUTION!
"Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!"
I first encountered National novel writing month ( or as first timers lovingly abbreviate- nanowrimo- and seasoned vets coolly type " nano") three years ago on a hot november day. I had just moved in the spring from my beloved Montana to Northern California to be near my fiancee. I was jobless, living with my future in-laws, and a touch homesick for my friends and family in the mountains. Nano became a welcome relief! Anglebird and I encouraged eachother from afar. My novel was a miserable mess of sloppy plot points but I had fun!
Another year rolled by. I got married. By the time November rolled around I was in my second trimester and working full time. I signed up for Nano with good intentions which quickly went down the drain because the baby overtook the organizational part of my brain. In short, I forgot it was November and what I was supposed to be doing.
This year: I will be a professional JUGGLER: I'll be working full time, chasing after a 6 month old, and writing on the fly. I fully resolve that I WILL write during nano!!!
And now to end with a poignant and inspiring quote:
" Time is a' wasting
the Turkey is a' basting
And we all want to eat
but what a stink!
What a smell!
could it be hell?
no, it's our feet.
what a neat feat
to ruin our trick or treat.
Lackscroft and Roe
I first encountered National novel writing month ( or as first timers lovingly abbreviate- nanowrimo- and seasoned vets coolly type " nano") three years ago on a hot november day. I had just moved in the spring from my beloved Montana to Northern California to be near my fiancee. I was jobless, living with my future in-laws, and a touch homesick for my friends and family in the mountains. Nano became a welcome relief! Anglebird and I encouraged eachother from afar. My novel was a miserable mess of sloppy plot points but I had fun!
Another year rolled by. I got married. By the time November rolled around I was in my second trimester and working full time. I signed up for Nano with good intentions which quickly went down the drain because the baby overtook the organizational part of my brain. In short, I forgot it was November and what I was supposed to be doing.
This year: I will be a professional JUGGLER: I'll be working full time, chasing after a 6 month old, and writing on the fly. I fully resolve that I WILL write during nano!!!
And now to end with a poignant and inspiring quote:
" Time is a' wasting
the Turkey is a' basting
And we all want to eat
but what a stink!
What a smell!
could it be hell?
no, it's our feet.
what a neat feat
to ruin our trick or treat.
Lackscroft and Roe
Thursday, September 13, 2012
To Stay or Go (Iana's Story #36)
I keep reminding myself, this is a story, you can't just summarize what's happening. Something dramatic must happen, action, and emotion, and above all keep it short. That always was been my goal, to keep it short and still have something happen. Iana is still preparing for the upcoming fight, but at what cost?
#36 To Stay or Go
I found Aunt Rosemary standing near the far end of the long table. Several village men sat on one side eating a stew made old potatoes and dried leeks from last years harvest. I didn't run, but I wanted to. Aunt Clo sat near the fire knitting away, balls of yarn in her lap and all around her feet. Aunt Luna held one of the yarn balls and helped unravel it, all the while telling one of her outrageous stories to Aunt Clo. Aunt Rosemary was counting out seed packets, then placing them carefully in a large bag at the end of the table. I looked down inside it. She'd packed up her smaller tools, and had a sketch book and several thin journals. I don't know where she put her larger journals.
I noticed she wore a simple wool dress, sturdy boots and her long brown cloak rested on the bench. Traveling clothes.
"You're leaving?" I asked, trying to keep the tremor from my voice.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
What is Necessary (Iana's Story #35)
Where will Iana's resolution to fight lead her? What will happen between her and Joli next? Sometimes I ask myself all these questions, and then I wonder, where is this story going? Does it even make sense? Read on, and let me know.
#35 What is Necessary

"I can't believe you're doing this." Joli stood further back on the stone steps watching as glass shards fell, littering the ground like snow. "Have you no heart?"
Friday, August 24, 2012
Preparing for Battle (Iana's Story #34)
Previously. Iana's story continues. . .

Thursday, August 23, 2012
#33 Iana's Story (A Recap Episode)
You might have noticed that I took the summer off, staring in May actually. Now that the end of August is almost here, back to school thoughts roam around my head and its back to the usual.
Not that I'm giving up summer completely. I'm planning one last camping trip this weekend. Hurrah!
I must also confess, I've been somewhat fighting with Iana's story, and what happens next. Finally its out here, after months of wondering and worrying does this work? It feels so permanent to post it here for you to read. Well, I'll fix it later if I have to. The next scene will come sooner, tomorrow actually, since this one is mostly recap of what's happened. You'd forgotten the story, admit it you need a recap of what's happened.
#33 Iana's Story

I told Olwen everything. We stood in a small alcove away from the rooms where I told him what I knew, from the very beginning, from the time I spent in Catha, our life there, until the moment I received Mother's letter demanding our return. If only my last desperate attempts to remain in Catha with Lady Amelia Hildegale had worked!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
#32 of Iana's Story: Troublesome and Strange
I've put up Letter Ten, even though you can't really comment on it Terrwyn. I still wanted to put it up. I couldn't resist. We've revised 42% of the story. Almost halfway, perhaps I should get on with the letter Eleven, then we'd be at halfway.
In the meantime, I had this already written and I'm finally posting it. After a troublesome argument with her sister, Iana's troubles continues.
#32 Troublesome and Strange
My room was too cold to consider sleeping in it, not unless I covered the window again. I wasn't going to tackle that task on my own.
The wind howled through the glassless, gaping hole. The night sky was black as a cave, no moon or stars visible out there. I wrapped an extra wool shawl around my shoulders and hurried out into the hall, only to run straight into Olwen. He caught me with one arm. In his other he held a short candle. He wore an alarmed look on his face, and concern in his warm eyes. "I heard a loud crash and then shouting. Are you hurt, your highness?"
He must have been standing in the hall for sometime. How much shouting did he hear? It was dark enough now at least the shadows could hide my blushing. Was it Olwen? I wondered. Olwen and Joli? The thought was just too silly, I dismissed it immediately. "No, I'm fine. A little bruised maybe, but it's no more than I deserve," I told him.
"Is there anything I can do for you, Princess?" he asked.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Bravely Broken #31 Iana
and Joli. Joli comes from the french word for pretty. Iana is from .
. . actually I have no idea. I think I just made it up. The confrontation between the sisters continues below. How easily we say
things - or shout things - we don't mean to our family.
waved to Joli from the window, tipping backwards unsteadily. She
hauled me inside, dragging me roughly off the sill and down I crashed
to the floor. My landing was not elegant, and I would certainly have
bruises tomorrow.
you hear me knocking earlier?" I asked.
face turned from pale to a livid purple, as it does when she is angry
or embarrassed.
you weren't answering," I complained. "I had to come around
from the outside."
no excuse."
I wanted to talk."
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Ten Winners - the goofy, gleeful and goosey
Last year, I started out with this idea of presenting various books, movies, characters, songs, TV shows, anything or anyone that had a wonderful element of goof. Only the silliest, funniest and ridiculous could be chosen for a Gooseyness award.
Last Years winners were predominately from books. No surprise there, I read more books than I watch movies. We had Victorian space epics, princesses with gravity problems, or hair problems, a group of friends with weird hobbies - the jellyfish obsessed kind - and a girl named September.
I'm starting to better understand what qualifies for a gooseyness award. I made a shelf of books that include some of the winners from last year, and as I was adding books I found other ones that I want to share with you.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Sisters, Iana's Story #30
try to keep these posts short, under 1000 words; I aim for around
600-800, although sometimes they come out longer. I make all these
plans about what will happen next and then the story expands all of a
sudden. Gah. My general rule is, whatever the story wants, the story
gets. That's why I had to split Roderick's latest adventure into Part1 and Part 2. Chapter 4 of Iana's story ended with a startling declaration by Joli, and now chapter 5 begins right where
we left off.

looked at my sister, noticing her hands clenched tighter than before.
"I will go. Iana can stay," she said as if that decided the
"You can't mean that," I declared.
"You can't mean that," I declared.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Part 2, from the Travel Journals (Iana's story #29)
From Prince Roderick's Travel Journals
3 days counting, before April, in the year 217 - Evening
There has been an incident. We might be stuck here longer than we thought. I do not quite know when it happened. It occurred sometime after our visit to the village matriarch.
"Grandmother is resting. You'll have to wait Strangers." The matriarch's granddaughter said, but allowed us to come in to wait. She kept her face turned wore a simple veil over her head, so we only saw her left side in profile. I could see only shadows on the right half. She led us to chairs by the hearth and fetched mugs of something warm and strangely spicey. She said Blind Thomas was allowed to stay only if he didn't play with his lute. Blind Thomas soon left, clutching the lute under his arm, saying he'd be at his usual spot by the well, practicing if we needed anything.
The home of the matriarch was the largest I'd seen in the village of Lost Hope, with a covered porch around three sides of it, while inside was a large stone hearth, and two other rooms besides the main room and kitchen. One room was where the matriarch slept. There was a bed also in the main room. It was occupied by a girl who appeared soundly asleep. We kept our voices low, to not disturb her, until the granddaughter told us, "Don't mind her. She'd can't hear us, or even if she does she won't wake up. She has to sleep during the day and is awake only at night."
"A curse?"
3 days counting, before April, in the year 217 - Evening
There has been an incident. We might be stuck here longer than we thought. I do not quite know when it happened. It occurred sometime after our visit to the village matriarch.
"Grandmother is resting. You'll have to wait Strangers." The matriarch's granddaughter said, but allowed us to come in to wait. She kept her face turned wore a simple veil over her head, so we only saw her left side in profile. I could see only shadows on the right half. She led us to chairs by the hearth and fetched mugs of something warm and strangely spicey. She said Blind Thomas was allowed to stay only if he didn't play with his lute. Blind Thomas soon left, clutching the lute under his arm, saying he'd be at his usual spot by the well, practicing if we needed anything.
The home of the matriarch was the largest I'd seen in the village of Lost Hope, with a covered porch around three sides of it, while inside was a large stone hearth, and two other rooms besides the main room and kitchen. One room was where the matriarch slept. There was a bed also in the main room. It was occupied by a girl who appeared soundly asleep. We kept our voices low, to not disturb her, until the granddaughter told us, "Don't mind her. She'd can't hear us, or even if she does she won't wake up. She has to sleep during the day and is awake only at night."
"A curse?"
Sunday, April 1, 2012
And Lastly
An Ode to Love
Where do I start?
It sings.
Gives me wings,
my eyes bright stars,
breaks the strings of my guitar.
But oh, it stings.
It scars.
Where do I start?
It sings.
Gives me wings,
my eyes bright stars,
breaks the strings of my guitar.
But oh, it stings.
It scars.
Lackscroft and Roe,
It's not a secret.
My dearest one, don't be shy
sweet apricot, you must not cry!
Our love is not a thread so easily broken.
We won't lose yet, this tower is not forsaken.
Take heart, my dove, our hope to be together,
that we will always have each other,
might still come true
happily we will say I do.
sweet apricot, you must not cry!
Our love is not a thread so easily broken.
We won't lose yet, this tower is not forsaken.
Take heart, my dove, our hope to be together,
that we will always have each other,
might still come true
happily we will say I do.
Sing along if you wish!
I have a tale to sing to you of Merry Weather Myrrh
a single song that ten lines long
it (probably) won't even hurt your ears.
He was called the Duke of Donkeyskins, the Prince of Pigeontoes and sometimes King Cornhusk.
His castle was made of chickenwire.
The roof a copper pot.
He adorned his clothes with doghair, spiderwebs and feather ruffs.
His saber was of pigweed, and his crown of juniper.
Mice would often fray his ragtag boots, giving them holes for his toes.
An elf you might suspect, and in that you are correct.
a single song that ten lines long
it (probably) won't even hurt your ears.
He was called the Duke of Donkeyskins, the Prince of Pigeontoes and sometimes King Cornhusk.
His castle was made of chickenwire.
The roof a copper pot.
He adorned his clothes with doghair, spiderwebs and feather ruffs.
His saber was of pigweed, and his crown of juniper.
Mice would often fray his ragtag boots, giving them holes for his toes.
An elf you might suspect, and in that you are correct.
What's missing?
The Misadventure of a Lady's Missing Ring
shorter version
Lady Suzane dressed her finest in green and gold,
(just like a parrot!)
She danced all night at Thursday's gala,
at least until her slippers faded.
As she heard the midnight bells sing,
she noticed something was amiss,
seeing nothing on her finger, she shrieked, "My favorite ring is gone!"
But where'd she lose it? - why it must have slipped, sir.
Plop! it fell right off her finger
down into her cup. (And she didn't notice?)
A servant took the cup to clean it,
where the ring rolled down into the drain.
How it floated to the seashore -no one really knows.
Encrusted with sand and slimy seaweed,
it was stuck on the leg of a crab
where Sir Charlie stepped by mistake
a grave misfortune for he broke his leg.
He soon recovered and dined on crab cakes,
then set out to return the prize.
After several misadventures Sir Charlie somehow managed
to return the ring. Lady SuZane was estatic.
They're getting married in July.
Even I was invited to the wedding,
to see the happy couple
to sing and dance and drink, and merry, we will be.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
What Fairy Tales are Missing
"Fairy tales have a fairy-tale likeness." Kate Bernheimer
Perhaps it is the fact that fairy tales are so familiar, and they always have certain essential elements, from the 'once upon a time' to 'happily ever after', and the characters - the three brothers, the King and Queen, the Princess or the Prince, the tailor or the miller's wife - we know these people already, yet still delight to hear their story.
But fairy tales rarely come with maps, specific names or specific places. Perhaps I like to retell fairy tales so I can add in the little details. I enjoy the little details.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Travel Journals, Part 1 of 2 (Iana's story #28)
I wonder how many fairy tales I can pack into this story. Is too many too many? I think I'm being a little too one sided with Grimm's fairy tales, I need to go out and find others. George McDonald, Oscar Wilde, L. Frank Baum, and from different countries, Japan, India, China, Australia, and Africa. Although those will be more like folk tales.
Finally, some of the secrets were revealed in the last chapter. Below, Roderick's story continues. The last time we heard from Prince Roddy, he'd finally discovered the cursed village.
Prince Roderick's Travel Journals, Part 1
We arrived yesterday in the cursed village, the Lost Village, or as Thomas the blind tailor calls it, the Village of Last Hope. It was hidden cleverly from the main flow of the Trade River by an embankment of tangled forest and thorny bushes. We followed a small stagnant stream up, pushing aside the overhanging branches. The water so thick with mud and dead
Finally, some of the secrets were revealed in the last chapter. Below, Roderick's story continues. The last time we heard from Prince Roddy, he'd finally discovered the cursed village.
Prince Roderick's Travel Journals, Part 1
4 days of counting before April, in the year 217 -Evening
We arrived yesterday in the cursed village, the Lost Village, or as Thomas the blind tailor calls it, the Village of Last Hope. It was hidden cleverly from the main flow of the Trade River by an embankment of tangled forest and thorny bushes. We followed a small stagnant stream up, pushing aside the overhanging branches. The water so thick with mud and dead
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Decisions, Decisions - Iana's Story #27
The previously entry had King Rilan of Winding's Story, and here's the last of chapter 4, just in time for the beginning of spring!
Decisions, Decisions
"But Father," I suddenly cried out. "Now you've spoken to us about the golden flower. You promised that man you wouldn't. You've broken your promise to him."
"It doesn't matter," Father shook his head. He reached down behind his desk and brought forth a plain wooden box. The inside was unlined, and the top compartment held a dried up brown petals, the broken husk from a once beautiful flower. Below it was another compartment, a red glow pushed at the edges as if eager to escape. Father lifted the wooden shelf out, placing the dried up rose on the desk top and exposed what lay below. It was like the one I'd seen in my dreaming, a beautiful red rose bud. The petals closed up so tightly it made it look more like a seed than a flower, and its red glow pulsed like a small flame on a candle, ready to burst into larger flames at any moment.
"The fire rose," I whispered.
Decisions, Decisions
"But Father," I suddenly cried out. "Now you've spoken to us about the golden flower. You promised that man you wouldn't. You've broken your promise to him."
"It doesn't matter," Father shook his head. He reached down behind his desk and brought forth a plain wooden box. The inside was unlined, and the top compartment held a dried up brown petals, the broken husk from a once beautiful flower. Below it was another compartment, a red glow pushed at the edges as if eager to escape. Father lifted the wooden shelf out, placing the dried up rose on the desk top and exposed what lay below. It was like the one I'd seen in my dreaming, a beautiful red rose bud. The petals closed up so tightly it made it look more like a seed than a flower, and its red glow pulsed like a small flame on a candle, ready to burst into larger flames at any moment.
"The fire rose," I whispered.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
How the Rose Blooms - Iana's story # 26
Iana's father began his tale last time, and now continues.
How the Rose Blooms
"It was like a dream," Father said earnestly, as if begging me and Joli to understand.
My breath froze in me as I heard this, I knew exactly what father spoke about since I'd experienced the same strange dreaming. I looked at Joli to see her reaction. Her face had turned white as ash. She clenched her hands in front. It seemed my sister had experienced it as well. I glanced toward Mother, but she shook her head.
Father was not as lucky as I was, he soon found he was trapped in this new garden. How he got there he didn't know and try as he might he could not return home. He wandered there a time, a pleasure long denied him. He came to a large standing of trees and there he met a man seated beneath it.
How the Rose Blooms
"It was like a dream," Father said earnestly, as if begging me and Joli to understand.
My breath froze in me as I heard this, I knew exactly what father spoke about since I'd experienced the same strange dreaming. I looked at Joli to see her reaction. Her face had turned white as ash. She clenched her hands in front. It seemed my sister had experienced it as well. I glanced toward Mother, but she shook her head.
Father was not as lucky as I was, he soon found he was trapped in this new garden. How he got there he didn't know and try as he might he could not return home. He wandered there a time, a pleasure long denied him. He came to a large standing of trees and there he met a man seated beneath it.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Prince Wandering, Iana #25
Click here for the events from last time; below we finally have reached her father's story.
The Story of Prince Wandering
I looked at my father as he spoke, his words sounded so heavy, each one a giant boulder sinking down to the bottom of a cold dark pond. This was the story he told. I have written it down as best I can remember.
As a young man my father often traveled about his father's kingdom, so that he might see for himself all the land he would one day inherit. His parents, the Good King and Fair Queen indulged his wandering, and soon he was known as Prince Wandering. "Where did you wander today? he was often asked and he would gladly tell them. Sometimes his wandering took him to the forests on the very borders of the kingdom. In those days wandering through the forest wasn't as dangerous, but occasionally he got lost. Once he wandered so far, and got so lost he somehow ended up in the Fire Woods, and he might never have escaped if not for the help of a bright young girl he met there.
The Story of Prince Wandering
I looked at my father as he spoke, his words sounded so heavy, each one a giant boulder sinking down to the bottom of a cold dark pond. This was the story he told. I have written it down as best I can remember.
As a young man my father often traveled about his father's kingdom, so that he might see for himself all the land he would one day inherit. His parents, the Good King and Fair Queen indulged his wandering, and soon he was known as Prince Wandering. "Where did you wander today? he was often asked and he would gladly tell them. Sometimes his wandering took him to the forests on the very borders of the kingdom. In those days wandering through the forest wasn't as dangerous, but occasionally he got lost. Once he wandered so far, and got so lost he somehow ended up in the Fire Woods, and he might never have escaped if not for the help of a bright young girl he met there.
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
Thursday, March 1, 2012
A good offer? Iana's Story #24
Actually I'm glad the story is only about midway. There is so much more to tell; so much I haven't been able to squeeze in: Iana's mother and Olwen, other family background, descriptions of Winding, more of the Aunties. And since I missed last week, I'm making a second post. It's fun writing a prequel like this. Although it's still very much Iana's story. From last time, will Iana's resolve remain strong even after the debt collections have made their intentions know? Chapter four continues...
An Offer
I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The debt collectors intended to take either me or Joli as payment?
"You can't be serious."
"Actually I am, Princess," the Lion nodded, his grin spread so wide I thought his head might crack in half.
"Do you realize what you are asking?"
"Iantheia," Mother hissed, a warning for me to hold my tongue
"It is a great honor for you." The Lion looked at me as if I was being rude.
An Offer
I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The debt collectors intended to take either me or Joli as payment?
"You can't be serious."
"Actually I am, Princess," the Lion nodded, his grin spread so wide I thought his head might crack in half.
"Do you realize what you are asking?"
"Iantheia," Mother hissed, a warning for me to hold my tongue
"It is a great honor for you." The Lion looked at me as if I was being rude.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Resolve - Iana's story #23
I just recently realized the Iana's story is only about one third of the way, maybe a little more than that, but not halfway done yet. It's about time for things to move a little faster, I hope they will now that the two strangers have arrived, the lion and the wolf.
So, let's see where this will lead Iana as the fourth chapter of her story continues.
Of course, Mother was already with Father, standing outside the door of his study ready to greet the debt collectors in that precise, perfect way of hers. One of the winterguards or my Aunties must have informed her. Of course, she led them straight inside, treating them like important noble dignitaries. And then, of course, she stopped me and Joli from entering, telling us to return to our duties.
Well, if she expected me to obediently leave, she was in for a surprise.
So, let's see where this will lead Iana as the fourth chapter of her story continues.
Of course, Mother was already with Father, standing outside the door of his study ready to greet the debt collectors in that precise, perfect way of hers. One of the winterguards or my Aunties must have informed her. Of course, she led them straight inside, treating them like important noble dignitaries. And then, of course, she stopped me and Joli from entering, telling us to return to our duties.
Well, if she expected me to obediently leave, she was in for a surprise.
Beauty and the Beast,
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Sun and Moon, Lion and Wolf. Iana's story #22
The fourth chapter of Iana's story. It began here, and now continues.
Sun and Moon, Lion and Wolf. Iana's story #22
Olwen escorted the two men into the entrance hall where I waited. It was a draft place. I could hear the wind whistling above me in the rafters. The elegantly carved wood usually gave the wind a sweet musical sound, but today it sounded dry and hollow.
I didn't see any other winterguards inside the hall, not surprising as there were only three old men serving in the castle guard, and Olwen their captain. No other attendants stood beside me, and none of my Aunts hobbled out from the servants quarters to gawk as they usually did when anyone arrived at the castle. Winding didn't receive guests very often anymore. I didn't know where my Mother was, or Joli, for that matter. I was alone to greet these men, the horrible debt collectors who held the fate of our poor kingdom. I straightened my shoulders, raised my chin and prepared to be, at least a little civil.
Sun and Moon, Lion and Wolf. Iana's story #22
Olwen escorted the two men into the entrance hall where I waited. It was a draft place. I could hear the wind whistling above me in the rafters. The elegantly carved wood usually gave the wind a sweet musical sound, but today it sounded dry and hollow.
I didn't see any other winterguards inside the hall, not surprising as there were only three old men serving in the castle guard, and Olwen their captain. No other attendants stood beside me, and none of my Aunts hobbled out from the servants quarters to gawk as they usually did when anyone arrived at the castle. Winding didn't receive guests very often anymore. I didn't know where my Mother was, or Joli, for that matter. I was alone to greet these men, the horrible debt collectors who held the fate of our poor kingdom. I straightened my shoulders, raised my chin and prepared to be, at least a little civil.
Beauty and the Beast,
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
sun and moon,
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Why keep all these secrets? Iana's story #21
You may or may not have noticed I've updated the blog, just freshened it up a bit. Feel free to take a look. Iana's story continues below.
Previously in Prince Roderick's travel journals, and from before, read where Iana's search led here. The next chapter of her adventure now begins.
Why keep all these secrets? Iana's story #21
I couldn't understand why my Father would hesitate. He was the King of Winding. Didn't he want to save his Kingdom? He had within his grasp a power to do that. What was he waiting for?
Returning to the castle from Aunt Rosemary's I had to make my way through the gardens again. Of course this time nothing strange happened. Although I felt a piercing loneliness, as I passed the silent tower and it lingered with me until I reached the part of the castle beyond the bell tower, which wasn't falling to pieces. I could hear voices ahead, from within the servant's halls. My godmothers. From the shrill voice of Aunt Ravelle, to the loud shouting between Aunt Ginger and Aunt Hona, they're both slightly deaf, and my mother bossing people around in that precise way she has. I wasn't alone, not at all with them around. The castle was filled with my Aunties. My sister Joli was hiding out somewhere and my father still locked in his study, hiding away as well. Why would he do that? Why keep all these secrets? Why not share the wonderful life giving flower with everyone? That's what I would have done.
Previously in Prince Roderick's travel journals, and from before, read where Iana's search led here. The next chapter of her adventure now begins.
Why keep all these secrets? Iana's story #21
I couldn't understand why my Father would hesitate. He was the King of Winding. Didn't he want to save his Kingdom? He had within his grasp a power to do that. What was he waiting for?
Returning to the castle from Aunt Rosemary's I had to make my way through the gardens again. Of course this time nothing strange happened. Although I felt a piercing loneliness, as I passed the silent tower and it lingered with me until I reached the part of the castle beyond the bell tower, which wasn't falling to pieces. I could hear voices ahead, from within the servant's halls. My godmothers. From the shrill voice of Aunt Ravelle, to the loud shouting between Aunt Ginger and Aunt Hona, they're both slightly deaf, and my mother bossing people around in that precise way she has. I wasn't alone, not at all with them around. The castle was filled with my Aunties. My sister Joli was hiding out somewhere and my father still locked in his study, hiding away as well. Why would he do that? Why keep all these secrets? Why not share the wonderful life giving flower with everyone? That's what I would have done.
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Prince Roderick's Travel Journals (#20 of Iana's story)
Previously from Iana's Story, and where last we left Prince Roddy, and now his search for a cursed village continues.
From Prince Rodericks' Travel Journals (#20 of Iana's Story)
10th day of counting before April, year 217
From Prince Rodericks' Travel Journals (#20 of Iana's Story)
10th day of counting before April, year 217
The search continues. No village. Only endless weed and riverbank. The weather soured, which gives Leric plenty to complain about. He refuses to leave his quarters. Holing up in the coffin-like bunk would make me ill too. The head space on this barge nonexistent. A child's leg room not a grown man's. I haven't had time to write as much these days, the crew short handed as it is. Perhaps this venture should be abandoned?
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
A bright burning red, Iana's Story #19
From last time, and now we shall see what Iana discovered in the garden.
A bright burning red, Iana's story #19
"It must be the first blossom from the orchards," Aunt Rosemary said. "I'll take whatever I can get this year. It has been the slowest spring coming. It's usually not this late, and this is much later than I've ever seen it. You can put the apple blossom on the table for now."
I looked down at my hand. I still carried the apple blossom I intended to bring her. I'd forgotten about it completely. I stumbled over to her work table. Flopping down on a stool I dropped the branch on the tabletop and stared at it, trying to sort out my wild thoughts and the uneasiness swirling around me. The dreaming had left me, or rather I'd finally left it behind, but the memory of it, the strangeness of it was beginning to shake me. It felt like I'd woken up, only I knew I had not ever fallen asleep.
A bright burning red, Iana's story #19
"It must be the first blossom from the orchards," Aunt Rosemary said. "I'll take whatever I can get this year. It has been the slowest spring coming. It's usually not this late, and this is much later than I've ever seen it. You can put the apple blossom on the table for now."
I looked down at my hand. I still carried the apple blossom I intended to bring her. I'd forgotten about it completely. I stumbled over to her work table. Flopping down on a stool I dropped the branch on the tabletop and stared at it, trying to sort out my wild thoughts and the uneasiness swirling around me. The dreaming had left me, or rather I'd finally left it behind, but the memory of it, the strangeness of it was beginning to shake me. It felt like I'd woken up, only I knew I had not ever fallen asleep.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Once Bitten, Twice Shy, Iana's Story #18
(From before, read how Iana stumbled into a dreaming, and now to see what she does next.)
Once Bitten, Twice Shy. Iana's Story #18
There was only one flower on the rose bush, a red bud so tightly coiled it looked more like a seed. There were too many thorns near it, so I didn't dare reach out and touch it. But I have to admit I was tempted. Some part of me wanted to feel how soft the petals must be. Without the thorns I would have easily plucked it right off the bush, like a sweet fruit.
I couldn't though. Fears of catching myself on the thorns kept my hands close to my body. Even in this dreaming it seems I was afraid of pricking myself. Finally I stepped away, dragging my feet. I couldn't stay there, kneeling as if in worship to a flower. I had to keep on. I thought about how Aunt Rosemary would know about the flower. I could ask her about it. She kept thick gloves and shears, perhaps I could borrow them and come back here. With thick gloves I could risk the deadliest thorns.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy. Iana's Story #18

I couldn't though. Fears of catching myself on the thorns kept my hands close to my body. Even in this dreaming it seems I was afraid of pricking myself. Finally I stepped away, dragging my feet. I couldn't stay there, kneeling as if in worship to a flower. I had to keep on. I thought about how Aunt Rosemary would know about the flower. I could ask her about it. She kept thick gloves and shears, perhaps I could borrow them and come back here. With thick gloves I could risk the deadliest thorns.
Beauty and the Beast,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
Friday, January 20, 2012
This dreaming, Iana's story, #17
(Since I'm having to break this next part up, I didn't realize it was going to be its open chapter, I'll post Iana's story more often. To read about how Iana got into this situation go here; read on to see what happens to her next.)
This Dreaming, Iana's Story 17
Even though I do not walk the gardens very often, not as my sister Joli does. It was unthinkable I could get lost within them. I dismissed the idea. Carelessness. My mind a bit distracted. That was all. It couldn't take that long to get to Aunt Rosemary's. So I kept to the path.
Perhaps it turned more than I remembered. I still felt certain I'd see Rosemary's glass house just around the next turn, just beyond the long needle pines. Just around here. Her house should be there, just beyond the leafy brown corpse trees, and the row of stone flowerbeds, but it wasn't.
This Dreaming, Iana's Story 17
Even though I do not walk the gardens very often, not as my sister Joli does. It was unthinkable I could get lost within them. I dismissed the idea. Carelessness. My mind a bit distracted. That was all. It couldn't take that long to get to Aunt Rosemary's. So I kept to the path.
Perhaps it turned more than I remembered. I still felt certain I'd see Rosemary's glass house just around the next turn, just beyond the long needle pines. Just around here. Her house should be there, just beyond the leafy brown corpse trees, and the row of stone flowerbeds, but it wasn't.
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
In the gardens of honey and apples, Iana's Story #16
From before.
Aunt Rosemary lived in a glass house in the gardens, at the southend of the keep. Since the roof of the west chapel collapsed the only way into the gardens was the long way.
It was so much simpler before, cutting through the chapel, now I had to take the passage from the back of the kitchens, follow it along the branching hallway that skirts all around the Great Hall and climb briefly through the tower of silent prayers. That place will always unnerve me. Though father doesn't keep prisoners there anymore, years ago they used to, and sometimes I can hear voices trapped inside the tower.
Aunt Rosemary lived in a glass house in the gardens, at the southend of the keep. Since the roof of the west chapel collapsed the only way into the gardens was the long way.
It was so much simpler before, cutting through the chapel, now I had to take the passage from the back of the kitchens, follow it along the branching hallway that skirts all around the Great Hall and climb briefly through the tower of silent prayers. That place will always unnerve me. Though father doesn't keep prisoners there anymore, years ago they used to, and sometimes I can hear voices trapped inside the tower.
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
Monday, January 9, 2012
How the past lingers. (Iana's Story #15 )
Previously and now continuing from where we left off.
The only other thing Aunt Luna said was to remember the Kingdom of Winding is strong. That it has survived plenty of hardships in the past.
"You know your birthday a few years past, your fifteenth, was a rather troublesome time," she said slipping into a very old, very familiar story. I should have tried to escape while I could. "Even after we did all we could to prevent it, somehow you still managed to find a spinning wheel and prick your finger on it, didn't you? Gave us all quite the fright. "
The only other thing Aunt Luna said was to remember the Kingdom of Winding is strong. That it has survived plenty of hardships in the past.
"You know your birthday a few years past, your fifteenth, was a rather troublesome time," she said slipping into a very old, very familiar story. I should have tried to escape while I could. "Even after we did all we could to prevent it, somehow you still managed to find a spinning wheel and prick your finger on it, didn't you? Gave us all quite the fright. "
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Eleven Noteworthy Fairy Tale Books from 2011
It's that time again for me to present a list of my favorite noteworthy books from last year. I've been looking over all books I read, picking out my favorites and remembering them all. Last year I did some unusual reading it seems, peculiar yet similar themes kept popping up all year long, from time traveling to mysteries abounding with Sherlock Holmes. Some books were frighteningly fluffy, others peerless literature. Some featured Victorian werewolves and vampires in a steampunk setting, and others had bizarre aliens, and one had a very strange dancing cat.
Catherynne Valente,
Edaterina Sedia,
fairy tale retelling,
Grace Lin,
Kage Baker,
Karen Russell,
Moto Hagio,
OZ books,
Red Riding Hood,
Salman Rushdie
Monday, January 2, 2012
Iana # 14 Enduring
Previously from Princess Iantheia's journal, and then from Prince Rodier's travel journal and without further delay, (sorry I meant to post this last week, once a week is my goal), now continuing Iana's story.
This morning Aunt Rosemary mentioned she wanted apple blossoms. Aunt Adria had already asked me to air out the horse blankets, since the stablemaster has fallen ill. Aunt Hona and Aunt Ginger were scrubbing pots and sterilizing jars, a strenuous task to say the least. Aunt Clo had a mountain of threads to untangle. She would have me help her spin them, but knows I cannot go near her spinning wheel. If it wasn't one Aunt it was another.
I wish there wasn't so many of them.
It's no use complaining either. They just come up with more tasks for me, more errands, more chores. I run myself ragged. I suppose I could always refuse them, but then I'd never heard the end of it. These last few weeks they've been relentless. I'm starting to suspect they're doing it on purpose to distract me. From what I'm not exactly sure, but I know there is something. It is something secret that they won't speak of, and I'm determined to find it out what it is. What better way to pass my time?
This morning Aunt Rosemary mentioned she wanted apple blossoms. Aunt Adria had already asked me to air out the horse blankets, since the stablemaster has fallen ill. Aunt Hona and Aunt Ginger were scrubbing pots and sterilizing jars, a strenuous task to say the least. Aunt Clo had a mountain of threads to untangle. She would have me help her spin them, but knows I cannot go near her spinning wheel. If it wasn't one Aunt it was another.
I wish there wasn't so many of them.
It's no use complaining either. They just come up with more tasks for me, more errands, more chores. I run myself ragged. I suppose I could always refuse them, but then I'd never heard the end of it. These last few weeks they've been relentless. I'm starting to suspect they're doing it on purpose to distract me. From what I'm not exactly sure, but I know there is something. It is something secret that they won't speak of, and I'm determined to find it out what it is. What better way to pass my time?
fairy tale retelling,
Iana's Story,
Sleeping Beauty
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