Sunday, April 1, 2012

What's missing?

The Misadventure of a Lady's Missing Ring
shorter version

Lady Suzane dressed her finest in green and gold,
(just like a parrot!)
She danced all night at Thursday's gala,
at least until her slippers faded.
As she heard the midnight bells sing,
she noticed something was amiss,
seeing nothing on her finger, she shrieked, "My favorite ring is gone!"

But where'd she lose it? - why it must have slipped, sir.
Plop! it fell right off her finger 
down into her cup. (And she didn't notice?)
A servant took the cup to clean it, 
where the ring rolled down into the drain.
How it floated to the seashore -no one really knows.

Encrusted with sand and slimy seaweed, 
it was stuck on the leg of a crab
where Sir Charlie stepped by mistake
a grave misfortune for he broke his leg.
He soon recovered and dined on crab cakes,
then set out to return the prize.

After several misadventures Sir Charlie somehow managed
to return the ring. Lady SuZane was estatic.
They're getting married in July.
Even I was invited to the wedding, 
to see the happy couple 
to sing and dance and drink, and merry, we will be.

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