Monday, October 31, 2011

Across the border I will be waiting (Iana # 11)

The previous events can be found here.
And now the final chapter of Joli's story from within Princess Ianthea's journals.

We have crossed the border into Winding, Sister. It is hard to believe we are almost home. I am one step closer to seeing him again. It has been much too long. It was harder than I realized for him to come see me in the Circle Kingdom, and rather than risk it, he told me he would wait for my return. "I will be waiting," he said, and I have waited too, soon it will be over.

I'm glad Olwen finally managed to get us a carriage, I don't even mind that it is an open one, since the air is so sunny and fresh. I am so joyful right now, You could push me into the Trade River right now and I'd come up smiling. Only a few more days. At least be glad you don't have to walk all the way home. Of course I'd be willing to do even that. Forgive my teasing dear Sister. I know you are unhappy with our situation, and you think the comforts of Winding do not compare to the Circle Kingdom. I have no such complaints. I would take Winding over Catha any day. Not just because he is in Winding. Each day we come closer and closer. It is so hard to wait quietly. When we reached the border, I could hardly contain myself.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Farewell, but not Forever (Iana #10)

Previously in Joli's story...

From the chime tower I could see everything. A bright orange bloom, not unlike the setting sun, except it was much too low and black smoke rose above it into the evening sky. From above I saw the castle's summer guards and stablemen scurrying out to the field like mice. Villagers poured out of their homes at the sound of the church bell. I heard shouts of "Fire! Fire in the fields!" And from behind me the chimes began to ring, the magic in them responding to the bell and the fearful shouting.

The noise startled me from my paralysis. Our grove was burning. If the trees were all lost I might not ever see him again. And what if he was there when the fire started!

I ran down the tower steps, the noise the chimes echoing all around me, heedless of the way I looked. My hair tore loose from its chignon and my dress flapping around my legs as I flew downward. I didn't care who saw me. I had to find him, nothing else mattered.

Monday, October 17, 2011

To Fall in love is like . . . (Iana #9)

Discovered previously in the journals of Iantheia, Princess of Winding: Joli's story continues . . .

Even though I didn't realize at the time how deeply I would fall in love with him, even at the beginning there was something about him that stuck with me and wouldn't let go. Perhaps it was his odd behavior when he learned my father was King, or how his touch changed the gelding I rode that day. Everyone at Ambress Manor noticed that, and thought I'd done something, but it wasn't me. After our brief encounter he didn't just fade from my mind, he grew larger and larger. I thought about him so often and wondered just just who he was.

Have you ever met anyone like that Iana? Someone who changed you just by appearing in your life. Perhaps you won't believe me, sister, I know I find it hard to believe myself, but this is how I fell in love with my Jack-of-the-Woods.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jolianita - Beauty and Grace (Iana #8)

Previous Events in Iana's Journal

Jolianita's Story - discovered within the journals of Iantheia, Princess of Winding

It isn't what you think sister. I haven't forgotten myself, who I am, what I am. I know I am a Princess of Winding. I know my duties. But Iana . . . please try to understand. I know you won't want to listen, but please try. I know you will be so angry when you find out. That's why I've written this here to help you understand, because I can not speak the words. Here I will do my best to speak. Let me tell you about him.

Even though I know, sometimes I'm painfully aware that we can not be together, my heart still rejoices at the thought of seeing him again, after so many long months.

We first met last spring. Oh, has it been only a year. It feels like I have known him much longer, my whole life, or maybe I never lived before I met him.

NaNoWriMo - It's coming. Are you ready?

NaNoWriMo again. The insanity starts in 20 days.

I'm definitely participating again. I was a winner last year, I wrote over 50,000 words. Months later I even managed to somehow finish the story I began November 2010. I make no promises for this year, but I do have a simply goal. I'm going to have fun! I'd also like to finish the story within the month of November.

You see today I decided to review the rules and remember just what Nano is all about? I found this: "It's important to note that this is not a "write 50k" challenge... it's a "write a novel" challenge." Oh, does that mean I didn't win last year? No way, I won. I claimed my win. But  it is good to try and finish the story. To finish what you start is an excellent goal for a writer. That's a real challenge. Who knows how many words I'm going to have to write to reach that goal. 80k? 100k? But writing is just one part of Nano.