Friday, June 24, 2011

My Life in the Circle Kingdom (Iana's Story #2)

From the journals of Ianathia, Princess of Winding...

"My life is over Joli, completely over." I dropped mother's letter to the round table. It didn't matter how many times I read it. It had ruined my life and I couldn't unread it.

I moved to the window, wishing we had a pleasant view to distract me.

"It's not over." Joli said from her cozy chair. She curled her feet underneath her and her hands were busy stitching a dress. "We just have to go home. At least its not a bethrothal."

"If it was a good match then I wouldn't mind a bethrothal." I said leaning my head on the window taking in the bleak view. The oval window looked out to a narrow stone stairwell, and the tall walls of the castle keep, only a small circle of sky was visible above them.

Hardly anyone used these stairs, no one important I might wish to see. Only distant relative of Catha's king were housed in this part of the castle, like us. We had no choice but to live here. We couldn't afford to rent rooms in town. Just as we couldn't afford a footman, or even a maid. Joli had taken on that role, and she served as my handmaiden whenever I needed one. We hadn't fooled anyone by it, it was plain to see  Joli and I were sisters, only a year apart in age.

"Extravagances." I muttered, looking back at Joli and our tiny room, with one bed in the corner, a wardrobe of minimal portortions and a cracked looking glass over the dressing table. Mother's letter said we had too many extravagances. I could pull my hair out. "What extravagances was she talking about? We live on breadcrumbs and sleep on box springs." I kicked at the bed we shared, sending a stabbing pain through my foot. "The only reason our clothes are half way decent is thanks to you."

"I try," Joli said, lifting the skirt as she finished mending and trimming it. It looked like a completely different skirt. She was much too modest, aggravatingly so. If we had really good fabrics and real lace, then Joli's talent for stitching would really shine. I'd be dazzeling. Fashions would change overnight. Everyone in the circle kingdom would want to look like me. Instead we scrapped by, mending and adjusting the few dresses we had.

Joli kept us from looking like victims of the poor house, while I did my part to keep us from starving. As long as we had invitations to dinner parties we would eat, even if that meant flattering any and everyone I met. Still it was better than home.

"I'm not going back to that backwaters place. I can't Joli. I just can't."

"I won't be that bad."

"Yes it will."

Joli sighed.

"Well, I won't go without a fight." I said, I wasn't going to give up without doing something. "I'll go see Lady Hildegale and plead my case. I'm so close to winnning her over. If she takes us in for the season then we won't need to go home."

Joli didn't look convinved, but I was.  "Just you wait and see," I told her, and lifting my skirts marched for the door.

to be continued...


  1. OH! What a good idea! I like like like this!!! I can't wait for the next installment! :)

  2. Isn't it just fun! I'm enjoying it too.
