Thursday, October 28, 2010

Torture? ( am I seriously considering this? Yes, yes I am)

NaNoWriMo--- November is National Novel Writing Month. The Official Link.

The goal is to write 50,000 word novel, about 176 pages in 30 days.

That's 1667 words per day. That's 12,500 words per week. In a good week I can write 10,000 words no sweat. (Mind you that's a good week)

It sounds exhausting to be honest. It also sounds incredible. I would love to have the finished novel, no matter how horribly written. But can I honestly devote an entire month to this project? On a whim? I only started thinking about this - oh yesterday - and only this afternoon did I started telling people at work I might do this.

So, I am seriously considering this (that's the name of this post, you know) It would mean I couldn't post as much as I have been on the Gooseyness. (I could only do then in my spare time, not at my leisure) It would mean I'd have to put aside my other writing project, and focus on writing, writing, writing. Quantity not quality.

On the plus side, it is sooooooo tempting to do. I mean, then I could say I've done it. To say " I wrote a novel in one month." I have the story idea, characters. (You see, I want to write about Andy Carrol's adventure, her first one, I'm so fond of her, and ever now and then I go back to that original idea and I would love to write it. )

Tell me though, Terrwyn have you signed up? Are you really going forward with it? Are you?
Did you read Patricia Wrede's blog? And that got you excited - but she warned you about it.

"What else do you have to do in November? If you have no finals, projects, or reports due at school or at work; if you aren’t responsible for anything at Thanksgiving except showing up to dinner; if your holiday presents and preparations are either well under control or perennially done at the last minute some time in December…then you’re good in this regard."
She also said, have fun with it. So hey, if you want to we could do it together? We could both be semi-absent on the blog for a month. I'm ready if you are.


  1. YUP! I am all signed up and ready for November first so I can write like a madwoman!

    I have nothing to lose and a novel to gain! :)

    I think you should do it! YOu would be amazing at it.

    I know you have tons of stories that are clamouring to get written and are very anxious to be put on paper! You can do it!

  2. Well, I did it. I signed up. It's November First. It's begun. I met my word count for today. Woohoo. I'll try not to neglect the blog, this month but by the end of the month I can't not guarantee anything.

  3. Is that a double negative? Does it make sense - can't not guareantee - what the heck? A freudian slip? What does it mean? Someone please tell me.
