Friday, August 24, 2012

Preparing for Battle (Iana's Story #34)

Previously. Iana's story continues. . .

#34 Preparing
Ten days was not much time. Everyday felt shorter than the next, yet it seemed like those ten days stretched on forever. If not for Olwen we would not have been ready. He was remarkable. No wonder the castle hadn't completely collapsed, what with Mother's firm meticulous control and Olwen capable of filling any role and finishing any task no matter how impossible. He juggled more than a juggler. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

#33 Iana's Story (A Recap Episode)

You might have noticed that I took the summer off, staring in May actually. Now that the end of August is almost here, back to school thoughts roam around my head and its back to the usual.

Not that I'm giving up summer completely. I'm planning one last camping trip this weekend. Hurrah! 

I must also confess, I've been somewhat fighting with Iana's story, and what happens next. Finally its out here, after months of wondering and worrying does this work? It feels so permanent to post it here for you to read. Well, I'll fix it later if I have to. The next scene will come sooner, tomorrow actually, since this one is mostly recap of what's happened. You'd forgotten the story, admit it you need a recap of what's happened.

#33 Iana's Story
We would fight. We must fight. There was no other choice. Giving up, or giving in like my sister Joli was the same as death to me. I refused to do something so stupid, and I had no intention of letting Joli throw her life away. Not even for love.

I told Olwen everything. We stood in a small alcove away from the rooms where I told him what I knew, from the very beginning, from the time I spent in Catha, our life there, until the moment I received Mother's letter demanding our return. If only my last desperate attempts to remain in Catha with Lady Amelia Hildegale had worked!